Resources of Organization Fund

Clinical operates in the ideas of finances and credit, according to the specification of the research subject, are characterized to be many-sided and many-leveled. and The meaning of totality of the economical relations formed in the process of development, circulation and application of finances, as income resources is commonly spread. For instance, in “the typical idea of finances” there are two descriptions of finances: and Finances reflect inexpensive relations, formation of the resources of money places, in the act of distribution and redistribution.

Of national statements based on the distribution and usage” ;.This description is given somewhat to the situations of Capitalism, when cash-commodity relations get general identity; and Finances symbolize the synthesis of centralized offer decentralized money resources, inexpensive relations fairly with the distribution and usage, which function for fulfillment of the state operates and obligations and also provision of the situations of the increased further production” ;.That description is brought without featuring the environment of its action. Payments

We reveal partially such description of finances and think expedient to make some specification. and First, finances overcome the bounds of distribution and redistribution support of the national revenue, though it is really a fundamental base of finances. Also, development and usage of the depreciation finance which can be the element of economic domain, goes to not the distribution and redistribution of the national income (of newly shaped value within a year), but to the distribution of previously developed value. and That latest first seems to be a.

Section of value of main professional resources, later it’s moved to the price value of a ready product (that is to the worthiness too) and after its realization, and it’s collection the depression fund. Its resource is taken under consideration before hand as a despair sort in the consistence of the prepared products and services charge price. and 2nd, absolute goal of finances is significantly broader then “fulfillment of their state functions and obligations and provision of problems for the widened further production” ;.Finances exist on their state level and also on the produces and branches.

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